Welcome to Dream Keeper's Contact Page...


President Savage is always looking to hear from you. If you want more information on Dream Keepers or find out how DK can work for you, feel free to contact the President. Maybe you have an event and would like your DK community team to be of help give us a call and arrangements will be made. We are all working together to make a difference one dream at a time...


To Contact Mr. Elron L. Savage, Dream Keepers Founder and President, call (757) 787-1848 or (757) 709-4661. Or you can also send the information to President Savage at the following address:


Dream Keepers

Attention: President Elron L. Savage

19232 Dogwood Drive

Onancock, Virginia 23417-3941


Or You can email President Savage at dkpresidentesavage@lycos.com.